
The full story of the Hong Kong protests: why this is not over

After 2 million, which is 28% of the Hong Kong population, took to the streets on 16 th June, some colleagues, especially those who do not read Chinese, congratulated me for the impressive result. This is when I realize that, most people, especially the English speaking world, may not have been exposed to enough information on Hong Kong, and could have been misled into believing that the protesters have won and life can now resume to normal. In fact, this is far from being the case. We had four demands on 16 th June: 1.      Withdraw the bill, not suspend 2.      Government must admit 12 th June incident was not a riot and release the protesters arrested on 12 th June  3.      Police to admit their responsibility for the violence on 12 th June 4.      Carrie Lam to step down as CE Carrie Lam convened a press conference on 18 th June. We were all waiting for her to at least respond to one or two of those demands. But that never happened. Except reiterating her apology


我記得那年,欣欣向榮。 每天都有跟著老母聽港台時事節目,彷彿一切都幾好。股票升,樓價升,新機場開,青馬大橋煙花好靚。 然後,記憶中,香港好像就沒有再開心過。 97 以後,個個負資 產。細細個唔知什麼是負資產,淨係知道個個都唔開心。 才剛恢復不久, 2000 年,又霖多鑊,我不知道什麼是科網泡沫,淨係知道 tom.com 應該是呃人的,同埋,個個都唔開心。 才剛恢復不久, 2003 年,再霖多鑊。 Form 5 了, mock 都考唔完就停課。死咗好多人。這次,唔開心的唔只係大人。 然後 2008. 然後 2014. 然後 … 我就是想不起,中國收番香港以後,香港這片土地幾時有 hopeful 過。 老實說,有可能是英國佬放得靚。就算英國佬還在,人口一樣增長,競爭一直增加,誰敢說還是一樣好?係呀,唔知架。不過你你一來,我地就係咁仆街,光是腳頭唔好就已經是死罪啦,點解仲要問點解唔愛你?接受啦好嘛?放過我地啦好嘛?

Round up to the yik

中環老闆們傾殼(我指上市公司殼),最鍾意 round up to the 億。尤記得第一次負責買賣殼 deal ,開會時簡直嘖嘖稱奇。 4 億 6 呀?即係 5 億啦。 3 億 7 呀?即係 4 億啦。加埋 9 億,咁齊頭 10 億 lor 。難為不論買家賣家都頭頭稱是又面不改容。安逸太郎呢等工蟻都唔好意思兜口兜面問 mud 唔係 8.3 億 o 羊,費事人地覺得我 cheap 啦。   不過你又唔好以為老闆們真係咁闊佬 wor ,到番公司 dup table 時,當然 dup 唔番開會講 D 野啦。每個 item 都 round up 半億, 4 個 item 就 round round 下多 咗兩億了。老細問你,又話 10 億 o 既?你同佢講,你地話齊頭嘛。佢就會炳你“我地呢度蚊蚊都係錢,蝕咗係咪你嘔?”然後所有開會講過的數字全部作廢,下次由頭講過。 這種街市買餸式講價(兼齋吹),聽多了就見怪不怪,安逸太郎一般也不介意,反正 GDP 是這樣產生的嘛。之不過 … 你班仆街自己約人 7 點半,未夠鐘又無野做,結果賴死在我公司吹水,吹吹下講到星期日有個唔知 mud 叉演講邀請人去,然後 … 就沒有然後了 …